Exilion Tuuli Ky invests responsibly in wind power and other sources of renewable energy. The investments are long term and predictable in terms of yield expectations.
Exilion Tuuli Ky was founded in April 2019 and is owned by the Finnish institutions Elo Mutual Pension Insurance Company, Veritas Pension Insurance and the State Pension Fund of Finland.
Exilion currently owns 14 wind farms. The company owns 380 MW of operational clean wind capacity, equivalent to one sixth of Finland’s total capacity. This corresponds to the annual electricity consumption of 55,360 single-family houses.
Exilion Tuuli Ky strives to achieve a steady return with a low risk profile. The company is constantly exploring new investment opportunities in areas such as solar energy and different energy storage solutions.
Contacts related to operational activities of the wind farms:
Tervola Varevaara, Simo Halmekangas, Simo Onkalo, Kalajoki Mustilankangas, Ii Viinamäki Tuuli and
Carelin Oy / Joni Niemi, tel. 050 359 9044, e-mail: joni.niemi@afry.com
Tornio Kitkiäisvaara Tuuli Kb, Simo Leipiö Tuuli Kb, Pori Peittoo Tuuli Kb, Salo Märynummi Tuuli Kb, Pori Tahkoluoto Tuuli Kb, Vartinoja I Kb, Luhanka Tuuli Kyb TuuliMuukko Kb
St1 Oy/Yrjö Laine
St1 Oy, (switchboard) 010 55711 (on weekdays from 8 a.m to 4 p,m)
tel. 040 554 5829, e-mail: yrjo.laine(2)st1.com
Vartinoja 1 Ky
The wind farm Vartinoja 1 is located in Siikajoki. It consists of nine Alstom ECO 122-2.7 MW wind turbines. It has been generating power since 2015.
TuuliMuukko Ky
The wind farm TuuliMuukko is located in Lappeenranta. It consists of seven Alstom ECO 110-3 MW wind turbines. It has been generating power since 2013.
Tornio Kitkiäisvaara Tuuli Ky
The Kitkiäisvaara wind farm is located in Tornio. It consists of 8 Gamesa wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2015.
Tervola Varevaara Tuuli Ky
The Varevaara wind farm is located in Tervola. It consists of 10 Vestas wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2013.
Simo Onkalo Tuuli Ky
The Onkalo wind farm is located in Simo. It consists of 3 Vestas wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2017.
Simo Leipiö Tuuli Ky
The Leipiö wind farm is located in Simo. It consists of 4 Gamesa wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2014.
Simo Halmekangas Tuuli Ky
The Halmekangas wind farm is located in Simo. It consists of 11 Vestas wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2016.
Salo Märynummi Tuuli Ky
The Märynummi wind farm is located in Salo. It consists of 2 Gamesa wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2014.
Pori Tahkoluoto Tuuli Ky
The Tahkoluoto wind farm is located in Pori. It consists of 1 WinWinD – 3 MW wind turbine, which has been producing electricity since 2009.
Pori Peittoo Tuuli Ky
The Pori Peittoo wind farm is located in Pori. The wind turbine park consists of 12 Gamesa wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2013.
Luhanka Tuuli Ky
The wind farm Latamäki is located in Luhanka. It consists of six Vestas V112-3.0 MW wind turbines. It has been generating power since 2014.
Kalajoki Mustilankangas Tuuli Ky (I, II and III)
The Mustilankangas wind farms I, II and III are located in Kalajoki. These wind farms contain a total of 28 Vestas wind turbines, which have been producing electricity since 2016.
Ii Viinamäki Tuuli Ky
The Viinamäki wind farm is located in li. The wind farm consists of 5 Vestas wind turbines with a total capacity of 21 MW. A 6 MW battery storage is also connected to the farm. The wind farm has been producing electricity since 2019.
Exilion Tuulihankkeet Ky
The company owns development projects totalling 475 MW in capacity.